It’s back! The 12 Days of Christmas! This is where for the first 12 days of December we put a request daily for something that we need over the Christmas period at the Compassion Soup Kitchen.
We are posting on our Facebook page daily, but if you want to get ahead…here is the whole list!
- 5 large hams so we can have lovely Christmassy meals with the whānau
- 10 large turkeys so we can have even more lovely festive meals
- Men’s socks and underwear – 50 pairs, sizes L, XL, XXL and XXXL
- Christmas decorations to decorate the dining room, and a small 1m Christmas tree!
- Christmas tree lights to decorate our trees and the dining room!
- Vegetables for delicious Christmas meals, 50 heads of brocolli, 4 sacks of potatoes, 2 sacks of carrots & 2 sacks of parsnips
- 20 yoga mats for whānau sleeping rough
- 20 hoodies and 20 pairs of trackpants – sizes L, XL, XXL and XXXL
- 25 pairs of sneakers – men’s sizes 10-12
- Native tree and herb seedlings – or donate cash and we can purchase these for the garden!
- Two 9kg gas cylinders for the Soup Kitchen garden BBQs
- 20 backpacks for the whānau
If you’re able to help out in any way, please email or phone (04) 385 9299